This article shows you how to design, develop, deploy, and manage a simple RESTful Application using MuleSoft.

Let us take a simple real-time scenario of how ATM works internally.

Scenario 1/checkBalance?accountNum=12345&bankName=icici

When a user provides a valid account number and bank name, the API should result in the balance that is available. (Here we connect to Database to get details)

Scenario 2 : /withdrawBalance?accountNum=12345&bankName=icici&withDrawAmount=5000

When a user provides a valid account number, bank name and amount to be withdrawn, the API should result in the Total balance after deduction available. (Here we connect to Database to get details)

In both cases, we have to send Bad request if accountNumber is not exactly 5digits. And for now, let us have only 2 Banks icici and axis.

In scenario 2, if withDrawAmount is greater than the total balance available, return a statement saying Insufficient Funds.

Let us follow the following steps to build an API to achieve the scenarios.

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Design, Develop, Deploy and Manage a RESTful Application With MuleSoft
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