React Native cross-plateform Toast Notification Component highly customizable

React Native Toast

React Native cross-plateform (iOS/Android) toast notification component highly customizable.


npm install rn-toast

or with yarn

yarn add rn-toast


to use toast first wrap your application or screen with toast like shown before

import Toast from "rn-toast";

// app.tsx, index or whatever component is used as initial component

const App = () => <Toast>
    // rest of your application logi
    // <Navigation/>

then you can show toast any where in your app, see Configuration section to see available parameters you can pass into show function

export default function HomeScreen() {
  const showDefault = () => {{
      title: 'test',
      duration: 2000,
      position: 'top',
      animation: 'slide-bottom',

  return (
      <View style={styles.container}>
        <Button title={'show'} onPress={showDefault} />

the toast will be automatically hidden after given duration, but if you want the hide it before that you can call hide function

 const hideDefault = () => {


option description required default value
duration Time until the toast gets closed false 2000
title title to show in toast false ‘’
message title to show in toast false ‘’
type type of toast, available values are default, error, success, warning, info false default
position position of toast, available values are bottom, top false bottom
animation animation type of toast, available values are scale, fade, slide-up, slide-bottom, see Animations section custom animations false scale
style see Styling section to make your custom styles, see Styling section to more details false {}

you can pass this configurations in show method, or you can specify default configs as <Toast configs={configs}

const configs = {
    duration: 3000,
    position: 'top',
    animation: 'fade'

const App = () => <Toast>
    // rest of your application logi
    // <Navigation/>

// other things{
    // this will override configs.duration
    duration: 2000,
    // this will override configs.position
    position: 'bottom'


you can pass your custom styles in configs as an object with 3 keys, container, message, title, for example below styling will make your toast more like native ToastAndroid{
      message: 'test',
      position: 'bottom',
      animation: 'fade',
      duration: 3000,

      style: {
        container: {
          backgroundColor: '#eeeeee',
          paddingVertical: 15,
          bottom: 35,
        message: {
          color: '#000',
          fontSize: 13,
          lineHeight: 12,



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Author: thevsstech

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#react #react-native #mobile-apps

React Native cross-plateform Toast Notification Component highly customizable
2.35 GEEK