Let’s say you’re walking around your favorite grocery store looking for fresh produce or other processed foods available in the store. Then you wonder what it would take to make your own mayonnaise or even homemade Nutella.

The idea seems cool, but the problem with this idea is that you have to open your favorite note-taking application, start bookmarking whatever recipes you find on the internet, and then (most importantly) find the right products to buy in order to execute the recipe at home.

During quarantine, I’ve enjoyed making my own sourdough bread, fresh pasta, or even pickled vegetables. Now that we’re starting to emerge out of quarantine, we can take more time to look around and try new products. While doing that, I kept asking myself what it would take to make my own Nutella or a better version of boxed mac & cheese.

The challenge here is to rapidly detect and find the right recipe for any product for which a homemade version is available. Then I remembered…I’m an engineer, so maybe I can build an iOS application that can detect and classify products and recommend a recipe.

In this article, I’ll use Fritz AI Studio to create a model that can detect/classify products and propose a homemade recipe with a list of ingredients needed—all done in real-time on an iOS application.

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Create Homemade Recipes of Your Favorite Products on iOS Using Fritz AI Studio
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