The Syncfusion JavaSript DataGrid control is a high-performance grid component that helps display and manipulate large amounts of data in a tabular format. Its feature set includes rich functionalities: data binding, sorting, grouping, editing, filtering, swiping, dragging, resizing, loading more items, pull-to-refresh, and exporting to Excel and PDF file formats. In this blog, we are going to walk you through the procedure to implement column bulk-edit support for the JavaScript DataGrid (ES5 platform) through the context menu event, also known as a right-click event.

Column bulk editing is a feature that helps us easily edit multiple cells in a column at once in JavaScript DataGrid. It saves a lot of time and reduces the workload. We’ll start this blog by creating a sample of a simple JavaScript DataGrid project with remote data binding. Then, I’ll show you the edit dialog with the desired column type when right-clicking on a grid column.

Let’s see about them along with code examples!


How to Bulk Edit Columns in JavaScript DataGrid
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