My top 20 Flutter Plugins and Packages, that I use time and again in my applications. What they are and what do I use them for. Also If you know better alternatives that fits the purpose, please provide those packages and plugins in the comments.

  • 00:00 Introduction
  • 01:14 Flutter Fire
  • 02:39 Firebase Helpers
  • 03:44 Table Calendar
  • 04:40 Animator
  • 05:28 HiveDB
  • 06:29 Provider/Riverpod
  • 07:05 Camera Awesome
  • 08:33 Swiper
  • 09:17 Advanced PDF Viewer
  • 10:21 Flutter Icons
  • 10:52 Device Info/Package Info
  • 11:51 Intl
  • 13:23 Image Picker
  • 13:47 Permission Handler
  • 14:32 Http
  • 14:57 Slidable
  • 15:24 URL Launcher
  • 15:50 Cached Network Image
  • 16:17 Audioplayers
  • 16:44 Share

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Flutter - 20 Plugins and Packages that Supercharges My Flutter App
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