25 Easy-to-Implement CSS Star Rating Examples

25 Easy-to-Implement CSS Star Rating Examples. These examples showcase a variety of different ways to style and use star ratings in CSS. You can find examples of star ratings that are animated, color changing, customizable, and more.

Star rating can be found everywhere. It is a standard rating scale that’s being used by popular marketplace sites. Star rating is a valuable metric that tells others what most of the people think about a certain product, an app or a movie in general. A star rating comprises of stars with the amount usually at a maximum of five. You let your users rate an item using stars. One star means poor; five is excellent. By selecting more than one star, all previous stars should be filled.

Star ratings are very appealing and noticeable compare to number or text. It is extremely powerful and flexible because you can obtain feedback with great detail by increasing the number of scale level. So here in this post I’ve collected 25 Awesome CSS Star Rating Examples for inspiration to implement a 5-star rating system in CSS and Javascript.

Simple Star Rating

Inspired by Zheng`s Rate us 5 stars on Dribbble

Star Rating In CSS

Pure CSS No Javascript CSS star rating

Star Rating For Email

A star rating system that works in email clients  Hovering over the stars fills in the correct amount.

CSS Star Ratings With Radio Buttons

Replaces radio button group with filled in stars. This allows you to use a normal radio button form and  simply submit the selected value.  Based on Ch

CSS Imageless Star Rating Readonly

Css Imageless Star Rating Readonly

Pure CSS 5-star Rating

Pure Css 5-star Rating

CSS Star Rating System With SVG

I need to figure out a solution to the focus being brought to the last element (visually) first when using keyboard navigation.

Star Rating Component

A solution from the middle east to review rating widget w/ couple of CSS lines and a little bit markup/HTML

CSS-only Star Rating

The goal was to create a radio button-powered star rating widget that uses CSS only.

Stars & Heart Rating

Stars & Heart Rating

Emoji Rating

Emoji Rating



CSS Star Rating With Counter

Using radio buttons and a css counter, we can create a fully functional star rating control with no JavaScript.

Ratings Inspiration

A couple of thoughts about rating interactions & animations

Feedback Rating Disputelab

Feedback Rating Disputelab

Percentage Based Star Ratings

Getting a star rating using a percentage

Star Rating Animation

Star Rating Animation

Rating In Pure Html5/css3

Rating form coding by HTML5/CSS3, not with Javascript.

CSS Unicode Star Rating

No Javascript, No images, No Icon Fonts.

Star Rating

A simple star rating example with some CSS transitions

CSS & Radio Button Star Rating

Simplified version of Lea Verou's using Font



Apple Appstore Styled Star Rating In Pure Html/css

I saw the appstore star rating system and asked myself if it is easy to build it in pure html and css.

Standalone SVG CSS-only Star Rating Component

This is a CSS-only component that dynamically generates each of the SVG icons to be used as background images for each of the stars.

Five Star Rating Field With Animated Hover Effect

CSS that applies to very simple HTML to create a nice hover effect for a five-star rating component.

#css #javascript 

25 Easy-to-Implement CSS Star Rating Examples
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