Login has become one of the most important parts of lives for a developer by having a working on-boarding system we can help tend to users need better than ever. hence why it has become a necessity in almost all the apps.

Because of This most companies have brought out a way for users to login seamlessly through their own apps companies like Facebook, Google and Twitter have made it so that u can log in in 1 click, and with flutter, It has become even simpler to implement.

What you will need?

A couple of packages from pub.dev, enable Facebook for developers and Twitter for Developers.

Packages are:

flutter_facebook_login: ^3.0.0
http: any

What we are going to do?

Image for post

How to access the required data of user through Facebook

Before we can just start logging in there are a few steps that are required to do for logging in Facebook.

#mobile-app-development #facebook #mobile-apps #authentication #flutter

Facebook Login In Flutter
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