React Native bridge Around Native fluid Slider Libraries

ReactNative: Native Fluidic Slider .This library is a React Native bridge around native fluid slider libraries. It allows you select value from a range of values:


📖 Getting started

$ npm install react-native-fluidic-slider --save

$ react-native link react-native-fluidic-slider

  • Android
    • Please add below script in your build.gradle
buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven { url "" }

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }
        maven {
            url ''
            name 'Google'

Note: Android SDK 27 > is supported

  • iOS

    iOS Prerequisite: Please make sure CocoaPods is installed on your system

    • After react-native link react-native-fluidic-slider, please verify node_modules/react-native-fluidic-slider/ios/ contains Pods folder. If does not exist please execute pod install command on node_modules/react-native-fluidic-slider/ios/, if any error => try pod repo update then pod install
    • After verification, open your project and create a folder ‘RNFluidicSlider’ under Libraries.
    • Drag node_modules/react-native-fluidic-slider/ios/pods/Pods.xcodeproject into RNFluidicSlider, as well as the RNFluidicSlider.xcodeproject if it does not exist.
    • Add the fluid_slider.framework & pop.framework into your project’s Embedded Binaries and make sure the framework is also in linked libraries.
    • Go to your project’s Build Settings -> Frameworks Search Path and add ${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/fluid_slider non-recursive.
    • Now build your iOS app through Xcode


import { RNFluidicSlider } from 'react-native-fluidic-slider'



  • General(iOS & Android)
Prop Type Default Note
min number 0 Specify min range value of the slider
max number 100 Specify max range value of the slider
initialPosition number - 0 to 1 .5 Specify initial position of slider indicator
barColor string: HEX_COLOR #6168e7 Specify bar color
bubbleColor string: HEX_COLOR #FFFFFF Specify bubble color
barTextColor string: HEX_COLOR #FFFFFF Specify bar text color
bubbleTextColor string: HEX_COLOR #000000 Specify bubble text color
beginTracking func (position) Specify callback function for begin tracking
endTracking func (position) Specify callback function for end tracking


  • Initial Position: Sepcify initial position in fraction from 0 to 1
  • beginTracking & endTracking: It will provide fraction value of position ranging from 0 to 1. Please use below formulate to calculate numerical value of selected position:
    min + ((min - max) * position)


How to contribute

Have an idea? Found a bug? Please raise to ISSUES.
Contributions are welcome and are greatly appreciated! Every little bit helps, and credit will always be given.

Where is this library used?

If you are using this library in one of your projects, add it in this list below. ✨

Download Details:

Author: prscX


#react-native #programming #reactjs

React Native bridge Around Native fluid Slider Libraries
3.60 GEEK