As data scientists, we often face some challenges in running an AI/ML project at scale.

First, we require an end to end support to do AI/ML experiments, including the platform to do data preparation, build/train/evaluate model, and release the model to production. Sometimes we need to have multiple platforms to perform those particular tasks.

Second, to support the end to end experiments, we need heterogeneous resources type and management so that we can have a highly efficient project.

Lastly, to be able to train and serve our model on a large scale continuously, we also need to find a way to do it in cost-effective methods that can be achieved by the ability to scale resource usage from zero to thousands on-demand.

So how could we tackle those challenges?

Here’s I want to introduce the Alibaba Cloud Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK). This container service is provided by Alibaba Cloud to answer those challenges. ACK can support an end to end AI/ML project from data preparation, development, train, inference, operations, storage, compute engine, and network management.

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 Build your AI/ML Project on Alibaba Cloud Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK)
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