Angular and Spring Boot are extremely popular, and used often while creating modern apps. When looking for popular search terms in Google’s Keyword Planner, these two together appear often. What comes out of this is a summary of monthly searches, which are unlimited by location, and averaged.

A series of tutorials on Angular and Spring Boot has led to this fourth and final tutorial. Throughout this series one is taught how to use Angular and Spring Boot + Kotlin in order to create a more secure notes app, how to add Bootstrap for CSS, as well as making it easy to interact with data tables. Second to last, the tutorials show how to deploy apps separately to Heroku. In addition to this, the tutorial shows how to use the ng deploy to deploy AWS, Firebase, and Netlify. Tutorials are linked below.

  1. Build a CRUD App with Angular 9 and Spring Boot 2.2
  2. Build Beautiful Angular Apps with Bootstrap
  3. Angular Deployment with a Side of Spring Boot

#docker #spring boot #angular #heroku #bootstrap #cloud foundry #google cloud #knative

Angular, Docker, and Spring Boot: A Match Made in Heaven
3.35 GEEK