Let’s say you want to build a Heroku web app with multiple different pages — perhaps you have a few different visualizations you want people to be able to interact with and it doesn’t really all fit nicely on a single page. But when you build a normal multi-page app in Dash or what have you, you’ll likely find that you’re using a lot more memory than you really need to, and that the whole interface is maybe not quite as beautiful as you’d like.

So this article will help you solve two related problems. First, Heroku free tier accounts have some pretty real limits on memory and slug size that can prevent your app from doing too much all at once. Second, styling apps using Python code in Dash or Flask can be a bit of a pain. After all, these tools have to simultaneously do the actual work of the app _and _look good. They tend to focus on the first of these tasks and make the second a good deal more tricky or messy.

#css #heroku #apps #dash #html

“Multi-Page” Apps Done Right via Heroku & HTML
1.45 GEEK