Get Your Public IP Address in Ubuntu Terminal: A Step-by-Step Guide

Learn how to get your public IP address in Ubuntu Terminal with our easy-to-follow guide. With images to help you every step of the way, you'll be able to find your public IP address in minutes.

There are a few different ways to get your public IP address in the Linux Ubuntu terminal.

Method 1: Using the curl command

The curl command is a versatile tool that can be used to transfer data over the network. To get your public IP address using the curl command, run the following command in a terminal window:


This will print your public IP address to the console.

Method 2: Using the dig command

The dig command is a DNS lookup tool. To get your public IP address using the dig command, run the following command in a terminal window:

dig +short

This will also print your public IP address to the console.

Method 3: Using the ip command

The ip command is a network interface configuration tool. To get your public IP address using the ip command, run the following command in a terminal window:

ip addr show | grep -oP '(?<=inet )\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}'

This will print all of the IP addresses assigned to your network interfaces. Your public IP address will be the one that is not assigned to a loopback interface ( or a local network interface ( or


Which method you choose to use to get your public IP address in the Linux Ubuntu terminal is up to you. All three methods are simple and effective.

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Get Your Public IP Address in Ubuntu Terminal: A Step-by-Step Guide
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