React Link Wrap: Easily Use Next.js Link with Any Custom Component

Link Wrap

In order to use client-side routing in NextJS, we need to pass a custom Link element. If provided, this component wraps links with the custom element properly and enables full client-side navigation. If not, it's transparent entirely and renders a normal link.

npm install @hashicorp/react-link-wrap

Use this tag as you would normally use an a tag, but with the additional Link prop. It will pass through all children and props and behave exactly as if you were using a normal a tag.


import Link from 'next/link'

export default () => {
  return (
    <LinkWrap Link={Link} href="/foo/bar" className="my-classname">
      My link text etc


See the props file for more details on props!


The isAbsoluteURL function returns whether a URL is absolute or relative.

An absolute URL includes a protocol, and a relative URL does not.

import { isAbsoluteURL } from '@hashicorp/react-link-wrap'

isAbsoluteURL('') // true
isAbsoluteURL('') // true
isAbsoluteURL('data:text/plain;base64,SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ%3D%3D') // true

isAbsoluteURL('/products/terraform') // false
isAbsoluteURL('//') // false

Download details:

Author: hashicorp

License: MPL-2.0 license

#react #nextjs #javascript #typescript 

React Link Wrap: Easily Use Next.js Link with Any Custom Component
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