Superfast! Optimize your website speed under 3 sec. The faster your website, the higher its search rank. If you are in doubt, we are here to serve you. FAQs are beneficial to know basic questions that our customer asks. Have a look!

  1. How do you measure WordPress Website Speed?
    A. We use GTMetrix, Pingdom and Google Pagespeed Insights to resolve your site speed problems.

  2. What are the plugins you work with?
    A. We have W3 Total cache, WP rocket, Smush it, WP optimize and many more.

  3. Should I use CDN?
    A. It depends on your audience. Yes, maybe for around the globe audience while not necessary for local visitors. If you use WP engine Hosting, they provide their CDN.

Get your website optimized superfast @WPWebElite
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FAQ - WordPress Speed Optimization
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