Cloudflare’s Workers platform is a powerful tool; a single compute platform for tasks as simple as manipulating requests or complex as bringing application logic to the network edge. Today I want to show you how to do server-side rendering at the network edge using Workers Sites, Wrangler, HTMLRewriter, and tools from the broader Workers platform.

Each page returned to the user will be static HTML, with dynamic content being rendered on our serverless stack upon user request. Cloudflare’s ability to run this across the global network allows pages to be rendered in a distributed fashion, close to the user, with miniscule cold start times for the application logic. Because this is all built into Cloudflare’s edge, we can implement caching logic to significantly reduce load times, support link previews, and maximize SEO rankings, all while allowing the site to feel like a dynamic application.

A Brief History of Web Pages

In the early days of the web pages were almost entirely static - think raw HTML. As Internet connections, browsers, and hardware matured, so did the content on the web. The world went from static sites to more dynamic content, powered by technologies like CGI, PHP, Flash, CSS, JavaScript, and many more.

A common paradigm in those maturing days was Server Side Rendering of web pages. To accomplish this, a user would request a page with some supplied parameters, a server would generate a static web page using those incoming parameters, and return that static HTML back to the user. These web pages were easily cacheable by proxies and other downstream services, an important benefit in the world of slower Internet connection speeds. Time to Interactive (TTI) in this model is usually faster than other rendering methods, as render-blocking JavaScripts are avoided.

This paradigm fell out of style as the web standardized and powerful hardware became easier to access. Time To First Byte (TTFB) is a concern with Server Side Rendering as this model incurs latency across the Internet and the latency of rendering pages on the server itself. Client side rendering allowed for a more seamless user experience for dynamic content. As a result of this shift, client applications became larger and larger, and SEO crawlers quickly had to adopt frameworks to be able to emulate the browser logic that is able to run and render these client applications. Tied into this is the idea of AJAX requests, allowing content on the single page application to change without the need for a full page reload. Application state is changed by requesting asynchronous updates from the server and allowing the client side application to update state based on the data returned by the server. This was great, it gave us amazingly interactive applications like Google Mail.

While this is a great structure for dynamic applications, rendering on the client side has a side effect of reducing shareability of content via link previews, increases time to interactive (TTI), and reduces SEO rankings on many search engines.

With Cloudflare’s Workers platform, you can get the benefits of server side rendering with greatly reduced latency concerns. The dynamic web pages in this example are delivered from any one of Cloudflare’s edge nodes, with application logic running upon request from the user. Server side rendering often leads to content that is more easily cacheable by downstream appliances; delivering better SEO rankings and obfuscating application logic from savvy users.

You get all the benefits of the old way things were done, with all the speed of the modern web.

#cloudflare workers #serverless

Serverless Rendering with Cloudflare Workers
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