Floor provides a neat SQLite abstraction for your Flutter applications inspired by the Room persistence library. It comes with automatic mapping between in-memory objects and database rows while still offering full control of the database with the use of SQL

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Floor Database

You can save, query and, delete your Objects in a simple and a direct way with Floor database!


To start with Floor, let’s add these dependencies to pubspec.yaml

     sdk: flutter
   floor: ^0.14.0

   floor_generator: ^0.14.0
   build_runner: ^1.7.3

Entity classes

The entity class will represent a database table Columns. Tthe @entity marks the class as a persistent class and you need to add a primaryKey

// entity/student.dart

 import 'package:floor/floor.dart';

 @Entity(tableName: 'students')
 class Student {
   @primaryKey(autoGenerate: true) 
   final int id;

   final String name;
   final Float grade;
   Person(this.id, this.name, this.grade);

#flutter #flutter-database #room-database #dart

Room Database Equivalent for Flutter
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