In this series of articles, we will explore the convergence happening between the IT and Telecom industries, which is referred to as “Telco Softwarisation”. Nowadays numerous companies are shipping software in minutes following a DevOps concept, called Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD). It uses automation for building, testing and delivering software components to development and production environments with swiftness, safety and reliability, validating in a continuous way the value streams of an organization. A list of common tools and use cases will be discussed along the way of these articles.

This is the third and last article of the series with the title “DevOps and Telco Softwarisation”. In the following embedded links, you can read about the DevOps fundamentals and also an example of how DevOps can be used in practice with an example of a simple CI/CD pipeline.

#ci-cd-pipeline #software #devops #telecommunication

DevOps and Telco Softwarisation —CI/CD setup for a  5G Telco project
1.35 GEEK