Best React lightbox component Examples

1.Lightbox React

Lightbox for components or images built for React.

A lightbox for React components or images. String passed as arguments are assumed to be the src for an image. Otherwise, it will check if the argument is able to be rended as a child React component of the lightbox.
Originally forked from fritz-c’s library.
Lightbox React


  • Keyboard shortcuts (with rate limiting)
  • Image Zoom
  • Flexible rendering using src values assigned on the fly
  • Image preloading for smoother viewing
  • Mobile friendly, with pinch to zoom and swipe (Thanks, @webcarrot!)
  • No external CSS


2.React lightbox component

An image lightbox component for ReactJS.

React lightbox component


  • Zoom control
  • Rotate control
  • Smooth animations
  • Customizable thumbnails


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3. React Popupbox

A simple lightbox component for react, inspired by colorbox and React-Lightbox.
React Popupbox

See demo & usage.

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4.React intense

A React component for viewing large images up close .This component is a port of Intense Image Viewer for use with React.
React intense

Live Demo
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5.React Image Lightbox

A flexible lightbox component for displaying images in a React project. React lightbox component.

React Image Lightbox


  • Keyboard shortcuts (with rate limiting)
  • Image Zoom
  • Flexible rendering using src values assigned on the fly
  • Image preloading for smoother viewing
  • Mobile friendly, with pinch to zoom and swipe (Thanks, @webcarrot!)
  • No external CSS

Live Demo

View on GitHub

6.React Images

A simple, responsive Lightbox component for ReactJS to display an array of images.

Photos courtesy of Unsplash. Use your keyboard to navigate left right esc — Also, try resizing your browser window.

React Images

Live Demo

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Best React lightbox component Examples
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