Make your kitchen smarter with Python

In this article, I’m going to show you an easy way to make your kitchen smarter. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to achieve this goal. You just need some QR codes, paper, a printer, and a smartphone with a QR code scanner.

Here is how I came up with the idea and why is it useful:

I keep lots of herbs in my pantry. I prefer to drink herbal tea than take medicine when possible. I’ve put a sticker with the name of the herb on each jar. But it’s hard to remember the various benefits of each plant, as well as the suggested steep time. I normally have to double-check in Google. Instead of wasting time, I thought that it would be nice to have a QR code on the bottom of each jar that contains all the relevant information. This way, I can scan it with my phone in just a couple of seconds!

Let’s get started!

Project Plan

#technology #python #software-development #data-science #programming #modernize your kitchen with qr codes in python

How To Modernize Your Kitchen With QR Codes in Python
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