When I started a project in Dash I had very little resources to resolve my doubts. I had to figure it out with the help of dash documentation and only a couple other sites. So this is to help you beginner to start with dash and create you own dashboards.

What is Dash?

If you are looking for a way to represent your analysis and prediction on a simple and pretty dashboard, then Dash is the answer. Dash is a python framework mostly used for building data visualisation apps. It is written on top of Flask, Plotly.js and React. Now, you don’t need to worry if you are not aware how all of these work because Dash is really simple and straightforward to implement, you’ll see!

Dash apps are rendered in the web browser and it is cross-platform . You can deploy your apps to the servers and share them via URLs.

Dash is super easy to learn, comprehend and implement. If you know HTML & CSS, dash is piece of cake for you. Now you just need to know the syntax.

#python #dash

Dash for Beginners! [dash-plotly-python]
2.05 GEEK