My entire Kaggle work, including what’s discussed in this article, is published here.

Intro and Motivation

I am a software engineer, who not so long ago decided to embark on new challenge of becoming a data scientist. As part of that I started participating in competitions on Kaggle (I’ve done just 2 so far). However, at the beginning I’ve hit quite a troublesome ramp-up stage. Most of the time of those first two competitions I’ve spent setting up my development environment. I just couldn’t bear all those manual and repetitive tasks: downloading datasets, hard-coding paths, manually submitting through the website, and most importantly getting lost in all the inputs and outputs of the models (i.e. tracking versions).

So, I’ve decided that I would save myself a lot of time later if I spent some time setting things up right at the beginning — i.e. to take the Software Engineering way.

#docker #kaggle #data-science #vscode

How to Kaggle the Engineer way. Act 1 — VS Code Containers
1.20 GEEK