Brands today are differentiated by how well they know their customers and craft campaigns that are intuitive and useful for the end-customer. Data does exactly that and enhances the efficacy of marketing campaigns. Data-led insights give us the liberty to investigate the diversity of user behaviour and understand our customer base more intimately. The barrage of data created online every day is amplifying at a magnificent rate. The lack of an effective tool can confound marketers and even diminish the data’s utility because of failed attempts to integrate the widespread information.

Sitting on a deluge of fragmented, disconnected data pointers is counterproductive to growth. Marketers are losing sleep trying to figure out ways to help their businesses create a single source of truth. The solution is to decentralize data silos, make them accessible to multiple business users and enable marketing teams to create engaging marketing campaigns.

The need for an intelligent CDP is urgent

The rise of Customer Data platforms has been sharp, thanks to modern marketing solutions that rely heavily on data-driven campaigns. A CDP acts as a singular storefront for data residing on multiple fronts (CRM, legacy marketing solutions, analytics platform, DMP). CDP pools customer data into one place for marketers to get a 360-degree view at any given point in time. This helps marketing and product teams rely on a single source of truth for understanding consumer behaviour.

There are several solutions out there that will help you assimilate your data to create a data warehouse, data lake, or similar sounding fancy names. But, this isn’t enough to help you scale your marketing and engagement efforts. A CDP is essentially incomplete without the ability to govern data, create dynamic segments and use this data seamlessly in campaigns, and lastly, creating up-to-date profiles for users: known and unknown.

An efficient CDP will facilitate data mobility, pull data from multiple sources and send it to other platforms. The consolidation of user-profiles will help track the whereabouts of known and unknown users. Marketers then will be able to act on this and design a relevant communication strategy for the users.

All the data is then used intelligently to create small customer segments, which is leveraged across omnichannel campaigns. This allows marketers to deep dive into multiple use cases in a customer lifecycle. Context is King! This adage summarizes the final step, insights. The incredible insights from intelligent campaigns contribute to faster decision-making and carve out marketers’ next steps.

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Data Is The New Marketing Currency
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