The open source community is always hard at work. February’s projects were super hard to pick since there are so many amazing releases. These are exciting new releases from some of the coolest projects around. There’s everything from world-changing tech to weekend hobbies. Our recent  State of the Octoverse report talked about how many developers are spending time coding during this pandemic. So here they are. The hard work devs are putting in during lockdown and crazy times is here to show. There are so many releases, and unfortunately we can’t featured them all. Here’s our top ten staff picks from February 2021, in no particular order.

Homebrew 3.0

Whether you’re a macOS, Windows, or Linux user, there are often programs or features you want that aren’t supported by your operating system (OS).  Homebrew aims to solve some of these problems, at least on Apple or Linux. It installs the “stuff you need” so you can keep writing code. The  list of packages available through Homebrew is extensive. Version 3.0 comes with Apple Silicon support, new syntax format for brew bottle and bottle do blocks. Plus, Homebrew now accepts donations through GitHub Sponsors. If you use Homebrew, think about contributing today. There are heaps of other changes made to Homebrew. You can read up on them all on the  Homebrew website.

Cake 1.0

Everybody loves cake! This kind of cake is a cross-platform build automation system. It helps you compile code, copy files/folders, run unit tests, compress files, and helps build NuGet packages.  Cake actually stands for C## Make, since you can write your build scripts in pure C#. This February, Cake version 1.0 was launched, with support for .NET 5, C## 9, lots of bug fixes, and complete with frosting. If you want to read all the yummy details about Cake and its first release, head over to the  Cake website.

Puppeteer 8.0

Most things you would manually do while browsing the internet can be automated. That’s where  Puppeteer comes in. It can perform most tasks you would manually do; taking a screenshot, generating a PDF, automating form submissions, keyboard inputs, testing Chrome Extensions, capturing timeline traces, creating automated testing environments, or crawling SPAs and generating pre-rendered content. The latest release comes with the usual bug fixes, and allows you to specify the browser (either Chrome or Chromium). Check out the  release notes for all the changes, and start automating your online experience.

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Release Radar · February 2021 Edition
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