We recently completed a major overhaul of GitHub’s documentation websites. When you visit docs.github.com today, you’ll see content from the former help.github.com and developer.github.com sites in a unified experience.

Our engineering goals were two-fold: 1) improve the reading and navigation experience for GitHub’s users; 2) improve the suite of tools that GitHub’s writers use to create and publish documentation.

Combining the content was the last of several complex projects we completed to reach these goals. Here’s the story behind this years-long effort, undertaken in collaboration with GitHub’s Product Documentation team and many other contributors.

A brief history of the docs sites

Providing separate docs sites for different audiences was the right choice for us for many years. But our plans evolved along with GitHub’s products. Over time, we aspired to help an international audience use GitHub by:

  • Offering multi-language support for all content
  • Scaling docs for new products
  • Autogenerating API reference docs
  • Providing interactive experiences
  • Allowing anyone to easily contribute documentation

We couldn’t do these things when we had two static sites, each with its own codebase, its own way of organizing content, and its own markup conventions. Efforts were made to streamline the tooling over the years, but they were limited by the nature of static builds.

To achieve our goals, we determined we needed to write a custom dynamic backend, and eventually, combine the content.

Only fixing what was broken

Our docs sites were previously hosted on GitHub Pages using Jekyll practices: a content directory full of Markdown files and a data directory full of YAML files. This is a great setup for simple sites, and it worked for us for a long time. Although we outgrew Jekyll tooling, the writing conventions based in Markdown and YAML worked well. So we kept them, and we built the dynamic site around them.

Keeping these conventions let us alleviate pain points in the tooling without introducing a new paradigm for technical writing and asking writers to learn it. It also meant that writers could continue publishing content that helps people use GitHub in the old system while we built the new one.

What was broken?

We outgrew static site tooling for a number of reasons. A big factor was the complexity of versioning content for our GitHub Enterprise Server product.

We release a new version of GitHub Enterprise Server every three months, and we support docs for each version for one year before we deprecate them. At any time, we provide docs for four versions of GitHub Enterprise Server.

We handle this complexity by single-sourcing our docs. This means we provide multiple versions of each article, and a dropdown on the site lets users switch between versions. Here’s how it looked in the old help.github.com:

Screenshot showing versioned articles

Versioning can be hard. Some articles are available in all versions. Some are GitHub.com-only. Some are Enterprise Server-only. Some have lots of internal conditionals, where a single paragraph or even a word may be relevant in some versions but not others. We also have workflows and tools for releasing new versions and deprecating old versions.

What does single-sourcing look like under the hood? Writers use the Liquid templating language (another Jekyll holdover) to render version-specific content using if / else statements:

{% if page.version == 'dotcom' or page.version ver_gt '2.20' %}

Content relevant to new versions

{% else %}

Content relevant to old versions

{% endif %}

Statements like this are all over the content and data files.

Static site generators are designed to do one build. They don’t build multiple versions of pages. To support our single-source approach in the Jekyll days, we had to create a backport process, in which writers would build Enterprise Server versions separately from building GitHub.com docs. Backport pull requests had to be reviewed, deployed to staging, and published as a separate process. Over the years, as we released new Enterprise Server versions, the tooling started to fray around the edges. Backports took a long time to build, did weird things, or got forgotten entirely. Ultimately, backports became a liability.

Launching a dynamic help.github.com

When we set out to create a new dynamic site, we started with help.github.com. We built it over six months and carefully coordinated with the writers to swap out the backend, while mostly leaving the content alone. In February 2019, we launched the new Node.js site backed by Express. On the frontend, there is just vanilla JavaScript and CSS using Primer.

It was a big improvement:

  • No more build
  • The app loads metadata for all pages at server startup, but the contents are rendered dynamically at page load.
  • Shaved ~10 minutes off deploy times.
  • Dynamic version rendering
  • No more backports! Enterprise Server content is loaded at the same time as everything else.
  • Fastly CDN
  • Serves as a global edge cache to keep things fast.
  • Better search using Algolia
  • Less chatops, more GitHub flow
  • Staging and production deployments happen automatically.

Internationalized docs

Within a few months, the dynamic backend allowed us to reach our next major milestone: internationalization. We launched the Japanese and simplified Chinese versions of the site in June 2019 and added support for Spanish and Portuguese by the end of the year. (Look for a deep dive post into the internationalization process coming soon!)

This was progress. But developer.github.com was still running on the old static build, and parts of it were starting to break down. We needed to bring the developer content into the new codebase.

#engineering #github

How we launched docs.github.com
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