From Tiny Python Projects by Ken Youens-Clark

Everyone loves Mad Libs! And everyone loves Python. This article shows you how to have fun with both and learn some programming skills along the way.

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When I was a wee lad, we used to play at Mad Libs for hours and hours. This was before computers, mind you, before televisions or radio or even paper! No, scratch that, we had paper. Anyway, the point is we only had Mad Libs to play, and we loved it! And now you must play!

We’ll write a program called  which reads a file given as a positional argument and finds all the placeholders noted in angle brackets like <verb>  or <adjective> . For each placeholder, we’ll prompt the user for the part of speech being requested like “Give me a verb” and “Give me an adjective.” (Notice that you’ll need to use the correct article.) Each value from the user replaces the placeholder in the text, and if the user says “drive” for “verb,” then <verb>  in the text replaces with drive . When all the placeholders have been replaced with inputs from the user, print out the new text.

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Mad Libs: Using regular expressions
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