Measure Rust web application performance with this introductory tutorial and guide to several handy profiling tools.

In this article, we’re going to have a look at some techniques to analyze and improve the performance of Rust web applications.

The field of performance optimization in Rust is vast, and this tutorial can only hope to scratch the surface. For a great overview of the tooling and technique landscape within Rust when it comes to performance, I would very much recommend The Rust Performance Book by Nicholas Nethercote.

In this tutorial, we will look at a way to measure web application performance and explore a tool to analyze and improve your Rust code in general.

If this post reaches its goal, you should walk away with some useful knowledge to improve the performance of your Rust web applications along with some good resources to dive deeper into the topic.

Let’s get started!

#rust #web-development

An Introduction to Profiling A Rust Web Application
3.65 GEEK