_This blog post summarizes the use cases of Python Fire, explained by David Bieber, a Software Engineer at Google Brain in a webinar organized by __Women Who Code Python _Track

Hello, Python Fire!

Fire is a Python library that can create a Command-line Interface from absolutely any Python object, created for the purpose of unifying scripting, testing, and operations for complex systems. It’s named “Fire” as it instantly fires off (executes) our command. It can be of great help in the following workflows:

  • Creating Command-line interfaces
  • Developing and Debugging Python code
  • Exploring third-party Python projects

Let’s install fire and look at the generic pattern to use fire on the Python programs/functions that we create.

pip install fire
import fire

Creating CLIs

Let’s call fire on our very own “Hello World!” program

import fire

def hello(name="world"):
    return "Hello " + name + "!"
if __name__== '__main__':

Fire now creates a CLI for our program as shown below.

> hello            ## Hello world!
> hello @My_Name   ## Hello @My_Name!
> hello --name=WWC ## Hello WWC!

#development #programming #debugging #python #command-line

Python Fire
1.45 GEEK