❗️Today we will be talking about 5 CSS Tricks Web Developers use every day.

🧠 I hope you use these to improve and speed up your CSS workflow!

0:00​ Intro
0:53 Tip 1: Tailwind CSS πŸš€
2:00 Tip 2: Flex πŸ‘Ά
4:40 Tip 3: Color Picker 🎨
5:43 Tip 4: Rapid Style Iteration 🏎
8:30 Tip 5: Expand Recursively πŸ‘‡
9:55 Conclusion

WHO AM I: I’m Dylan, a Cloud Engineer living in Bend, Oregon. I use my background in tech to make videos about technology that enables and grows businesses.

🌍 My website / blog -

#css #tricks #developers

5 CSS Tricks Web Developers Use Every Day - 2021
1.15 GEEK