JavaScript keyboard events help you capture user interactions with the keyboard.

Like many other JavaScript events, the KeyboardEvent interface provides all the required properties and methods for handling every keystroke a user makes using the keyboard.

There have been many articles written about how they work and how to use them. At the same time, keeps updating the specification by introducing new properties, deprecating existing ones, and marking certain code as legacy.

Because of this, it is essential for web developers to keep learning about the KeyboardEvent interface to know what exactly they should use and what’s no longer relevant.

In this article, we will learn about:

  • The KeyboardEvent interface.
  • The keyboard event types we need to focus on.
  • The keyboard event types we may not ever need.
  • Which properties you need in practice and how different browsers handle them.
  • What is deprecated, and what’s in use.
  • A playground to try things out as we learn.
  • Finally, the current list of key codes for reference and future use.

Hope you enjoy it.

#javascript #programming #developer #web-development

JavaScript Keycode List – Keypress Event Key Codes for Enter, Space, Backspace, and More
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