React vs Vue: the saga continues

A few years ago, I decided to try and build a fairly standard To Do App in React and Vue. Both apps were built using the default CLIs (create-react-app for React, and vue-cli for Vue). My aim was to write something that was unbiased and simply provided a snapshot of how you would perform certain tasks with both technologies.

When React Hooks were released, I followed up the original article with a ‘2019 Edition’ which replaced the use of Class Components with Functional Hooks. With the release of Vue version 3 and its Composition API, now is the time to one again update this article with a ‘2020 Edition’.

Let’s take a quick look at how the two apps look:

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The CSS code for both apps are exactly the same, but there are differences in where these are located. With that in mind, let’s next have a look at the file structure of both apps:

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You’ll see that their structures are similar as well. The key difference so far is that the React app has two CSS files, whereas the Vue app doesn’t have any. The reason for this is because create-react-app creates its default React components with a separate CSS file for its styles, whereas Vue CLI creates single files that contain HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for its default Vue components.

Ultimately, they both achieve the same thing, and there is nothing to say that you can’t go ahead and structure your files differently in React or Vue. It really comes down to personal preference. You will hear plenty of discussion from the dev community over how CSS should be structured, especially with regard to React, as there are a number of CSS-in-JS solutions such as styled-components, and emotion. CSS-in-JS is literally what it sounds like by the way. While these are useful, for now, we will just follow the structure laid out in both CLIs.

But before we go any further, let’s take a quick look at what a typical Vue and React component look like:

A typical React file:

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A typical Vue file:

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Now that’s out of the way, let’s get into the nitty gritty detail!

#vuejs #javascript #react #web-development #programming #vue

I created the exact same app in React and Vue. Here are the differences
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