How to Prime Number Program In Python

Today, We want to share with you prime number in python.In this post we will show you first n prime numbers python, hear for prime number program in python print 1 to 100 we will give you demo and example for implement.In this post, we will learn about count in python with an example.

Python Program to Check Prime Number


check_no = 23

extra_var = True

if check_no > 1:
for i in range (2, check_no):
if(check_no % i) == 0:
extra_var = False

# here check Then Given by user Number is Prime or Not

if extra_var:
print(check_no, "Good Luck It number is a absolute prime number")
print(check_no, "It number is not a PrimeNumber")


23 Good Luck It number is a absolute prime number


I hope you get an idea about python find prime numbers in range.


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How to Prime Number Program In Python
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