Despite their similarities (which are a lot), whether JavaScript (JS) is really better than TypeScript (TS) - or vice-versa - lies in their differences.

This article seeks to explain the current main contrasts between both languages and provides code examples of each. Further, we will explain whether JS and TS are object-oriented programming (OOP) languages and which one a developer should learn.

Finally, we will disclose which is better! As we know, JavaScript is a language that has highly contributed to the web’s success. Is it time for TypeScript to take over? Let’s find out.

Table of Contents

What is JavaScript?

What is TypeScript

Difference between TypeScript and JavaScript

➤  Definition

➤  Compilation

➤  Typing

➤  Is JavaScript an object-oriented programming (OOP) language?

➤  Is TypeScript an object-oriented programming (OOP) language?

TypeScript vs JavaScript: code examples

Is TypeScript better than JavaScript?

TypeScript vs JavaScript: which one to learn?


What is JavaScript?

JavaScript (JS) is the most popular programming language in the world. It is considered a high-level language that helps to create interactive and dynamic web pages. Together with HTML and  CSS, JavaScript is also one of the core technologies for web applications and is highly characterized by its dynamic typing and just-in-time (JIT) compiler.

Plus, it is a multi-paradigm language due to its ability to support functional programming, imperative programming styles, and event-driven programming. JavaScript followed a client-side implementation (when the script runs on the user’s browser). However, it also has engines that allow server-side implementations (scripts run on the web server, and the response is customized according to each user’s request).

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TypeScript Vs JavaScript: Which one Is Better?
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