In this article, we will see how to send an email with an attachment using python in the easiest way possible. We will use a Gmail SMTP server to send the mail. We won’t be using any external python module to send emails as python has inbuilt modules with which we can send emails in the easiest manner.

There are mainly two different standards defined with which we can construct our email message.

  • SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
  • MIME(Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)

So if we want to construct a mail we visit the documentations of SMTP and MIME to construct an email message.

But wait! We don’t need to do so, we have got a builtin python package named **email **which consists of a message module, and in that, we have a EmailMessage class. By creating an object of this class we can easily construct our email message. Now let’s create EmailMessage object.

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How to Send an Email with attachment in Gmail using Python
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