Most developers find databases difficult to scale. There are a lot of frameworks that can run on multiple pods⁠—or even multiple clusters⁠—to handle more load. Some frameworks even support advanced load balancing and caching.

Still, when a spike beyond what the framework can handle happens, the database is almost always the first process to fail. It’s a horror story that every developer has experienced at least once. And it always happens at the most important moment⁠—such as during an important flash sale.

Taming database load management isn’t an easy task, but Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) has been doing a great job at it. Amazon RDS Proxy though extends the features you can use to manage database connections to a whole new level.

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Amazon‌ ‌RDS‌ ‌Proxy:‌ ‌Taming‌ ‌DB‌ ‌Connections
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