It’s that time again, time to browse the GitHub trending page and pick the best, coolest, or most impressive open source projects we encounter. During the summer of 2020 we took a look at a list of public APIs, a privacy-protection project, an open source chat app, and more.

Every month, we go over the GitHub trending page for any cool repos that stand out from the crowd. We choose five of the most innovative, interesting, and well-thought-out projects to highlight in our monthly report. As always, it was tough to narrow down the list of GitHub repos to our five favorites.

In no particular order, here are our top picks for the summer of 2020.

**SEE ALSO: **“Kite’s mission is to automate away the tedious parts of programming”



Rocket.Chat is an open source web chat platform for teams to increase their productivity. Communicate in real-time, share ideas, send files, collaborate, and even use video/audio conferencing. It is similar to popular communication tools such as Slack.

According to GitHub, Rocket.Chat features include: BYOS (Bring Your Own Server), multiple rooms, desktop notifications, private groups, public channels, screen sharing, media embeds, link previews, and much more. A native cross-platform desktop app and mobile apps are available.

The community edition is 100% open source and free, but enterprise editions with additional purposes are available.

It is currently moving to single codebase, so check out the website and read more about its features, benefits, and the future of this project.


Remember RSS feeds? (Or did you never stop using them?) RSSHub is “an open source, easy to use, and extensible RSS feed aggregator, it’s capable of generating RSS feeds from pretty much everything”.

Nearly anything and everything can be generated as an RSS feed with RSSHub. Examples include Twitter accounts, Google news, SoundCloud, YouTube, IKEA, the Steam store, and package tracking.

How does it work? From the project FAQ:

When a request is received, RSSHub fetches the corresponding data from the original site, the resulting contents will be output in RSS format. Caching is implemented to avoid requesting original sites for content. And of course, we throw in a little magic 🎩.

You can use it as a browser extension with RSSHub-Radar. Get a taste of what it can do with the demo instance.

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The trendy five: GitHub repos that lit the way in summer 2020
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