In this article, we will learn about and take a good look at how to use the Drag and Drop tool in the Angular Material Development Kit.

Angular is JavaScript (TypeScript) framework for building web applications, mobile or desktop with over 42,000 ⭐️ on GitHub. It is maintained by the Angular Team at Google and a host of community members and organizations. Angular Version 7 was released few weeks ago. One of the features it shipped with is the Drag and Drop tool in the Component Development Kit

Component Development Kit (CDK)#

The Component Development Kit is a set of tools that implement common behaviors and components with very unique interaction styles without being opinionated about the template choices. It is a kind of abstraction of the Angular Material Library, with no styling specific to material design. It provides more unique ways to get creative while building your angular components.

Drag and Drop Tool#

The Drag and Drop tool is one of the component development kit common behaviors. It contains directives that enable really top notch drag and drop capabilities on component parts.

The @angular/cdk/drag-drop module provides you with a way to easily and declaratively create drag-and-drop interfaces, with support for free dragging, sorting within a list, transferring items between lists, animations, touch devices, custom drag handles, previews, and placeholders, in addition to horizontal lists and locking along an axis.

#angular #javascript #web-development #angular 7

Building Interactive Lists with the new Angular 7 Drag and Drop tool
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