To be honest, I’m a Kubernetes lover. Kubernetes is a considerable step forward in software development. When I met it, I thought “that’s the way to bring containers in production.” I didn’t have any hesitation. Like me, thousands of architects have successfully embraced this technology.

Let’s look at how Kubernetes can solve most of the issues deploying applications to the cloud, supporting our infrastructure to meet the requirements of cloud transformation.

Remember Your Goals

In the cloud transformation era, there are some targets for all companies.

These prerogatives are:

  • Move to the cloud asap (cloud migration).
  • Reduce sysadmin cost, infrastructure cost, time of people (cost reduction).
  • Reduce the time needed to complete projects (time to market).
  • Have reliable systems with good performance (improve quality).

With these goals in mind, we can land on the cloud and ask “Well, what next?”

It’s easy to get lost in the wealth of solutions, especially for those approaching the cloud for the first time. To make the situation even worse, you cannot fail. We’re not joking. Cloud or not, a project has to work today and tomorrow, when it will require double the functional requirements and integrations.

That’s why cloud transformation is hard — you have to bet on the right horse and you cannot lose. In the next steps, we’ll learn why Kubernetes is the right horse and why everybody should bet on it. Everybody needs Kubernetes!

#kubernetes #devops #containers #programming

Why Does Everybody Want to Use Kubernetes?
8.45 GEEK