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JavaFX has been around for quite a long time.  It’s powered by Java and has been used to build desktop applications, as well as Rich Internet Applications (RIAs).

Although the Java programming language has been known for its portability, it has its pitfalls - one of which being its verbosity - developers must write a lot of lines of code to make a simple GUI.

TornadoFX, a lightweight JavaFX framework for Kotlin, simplifies JavaFX development by abstracting out all of the verbose, hard-to-maintain Java code.

TornadoFX, powered by the statically typed JVM language (Kotlin), makes it a breeze to build rich, feature-packed user interfaces.

Also, TornadoFX minimizes, greatly, the amount of code needed to build JavaFX applications making the codebase easy to maintain and extend.

This video is a part of a Full Course you can get on Udemy at a special discount:

#kotlin #android

Build JavaFX UI's with Kotlin Programming Language
13.00 GEEK