Blazor on desktop is one of latest hot topics and .NET Conf: Focus on Blazor only added more fuel to fire. Blazor seems to come everywhere and it’s unstoppable. One of interesting desktop experiments is WebWindow by Steve Sanderson. It’s cross-platform component to make Blazor WebAssembly applications run on desktop. Let’s take a closer look at WebWindow and Blazor on desktop.
Blazor WebAssembly needs only rendering engine with WebAssembly support to run and most of modern browsers support WebAssembly. There Blazor applications doesn’t necessarily need web server to run. Web server is just one option to deliver Blazor application so browser can download and run it.

If web server is not necessary then there’s question to ask: can we somehow remove web server from equation and make those Blazor WebAssembly apps look and feel more like desktop application? Blazor on desktop is here to address this question with high chances to answer “yes”.


Exploring WebWindow examples for Blazor on desktop
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