JavaScript Ternary Operator - Explained with Examples

Learn about JavaScript Ternary Operator with the help of examples. This tutorial will explain what ternary operator is, and how it can be useful when building applications.

There are many operators in JavaScript, one of which is the ternary operator. In this article, I'll explain what this operator is, and how it can be useful when building applications.

What is the Ternary Operator?

The ternary operator is a conditional operator which evaluates either of two expressions – a true expression and a false expression – based on a conditional expression that you provide.

Here's the syntax:

condition ? trueExpression : falseExpression

You have the condition which returns a truthy or falsy value. Truthy values here include true, and non-falsy values. Falsy values here include false, null, 0, and so on.

After the condition, you have the question mark (which you can think of as "questioning the condition"), followed by the trueExpression. This expression is executed if the condition expression evaluates to true.

After the true expression, you have a colon, followed by the falseExpression. This expression is executed if the condition expression evaluates to false.

The ternary operator returns a value that you can assign to a variable. You cannot use the operator without assigning the returned value to a variable:

const result = condition
  ? trueExpression
  : falseExpression

The returned value depends on the evaluation of the condition expression. If the condition is true, the returned value returned from trueExpression is assigned to the variable. Else, the returned value from falseExpression will be assigned to the variable.

How to Use the Ternary Operator in Place of if Statements

The ternary operator can be a good replacement for if statements in some cases. It allows you to write concise, cleaner, and easier-to-read lines of code if used well.

Let's see an example:

const score = 80
let scoreRating

if (score > 70) {
  scoreRating = "Excellent"
} else {
  scoreRating = "Do better"

// "Excellent"

In this example, we have a score variable with 80 and a scoreRating variable. Then we have an if statement that checks score > 70. If this condition evaluates to true, the scoreRating variable is assigned "Excellent", else, it is assigned "Do better".

We can improve this code with the ternary operator. Here's how.

Remember the syntax: you have the condition, a question mark, the true expression, a colon, and finally a false expression. Let's look at this in code:

const score = 80

const scoreRating =
  score > 70 ? "Excellent" : "Do better"

// Excellent

This is how we use the ternary operator. The true and false expressions here are strings that will be returned to the scoreRating variable depending on our condition score > 70.

The true and false expressions can be any kind of expression from function executions to arithmetic operations and so on. Here's an example with a function execution:

function printPoor() {
  console.log("Poor result")
  return "poor"

function printSuccess() {
  console.log("Nice result")
  return "success"

const pass = false;

const result = pass ? printSuccess() : printPoor()
// Poor result (console.log executed)

// poor

Here, you see that as the condition returns false, the false expression, printPoor() is executed which prints "Poor result" to the console. And as the false expression returns "poor", you can see that value assigned to the result variable.

For the rest of this article, I'll be using string true and false expressions for simplicity.

How to Use Nested Ternary Operators

What if you wanted to achieve an if...else if...else statement with a ternary operator? Then you can use nested ternary operators. You should be careful how you use this, however, as it can make your code harder to read.

Let's see an example:

const score = 60
let scoreRating

if (score > 70) {
  scoreRating = "Excellent"
} else if (score > 50) {
  scoreRating = "Average"
} else {
  scoreRating = "Do better"

// "Average"

We have an if-else-if-else statement here where we first check if score > 70. If this returns true, we assign "Excellent" to the scoreRating variable. If this returns false, we check if score > 50. If this second condition returns true, we assign "Average" to the variable but if this also returns false, we finally (else) assign "Do better" to the variable.

Let's see how to do this with the ternary operator:

const score = 60

const scoreRating =
  score > 70
    ? "Excellent"
    : score > 50
    ? "Average"
    : "Do better"

// "Average"

Here, you see we have two question marks and two colons. In the first ternary operator, we have the conditional expression score > 70. After the first question mark, we have the true expression which is "Excellent". After the first colon, the next expression is supposed to be the false expression. For the false expression, we declare another conditional expression using the ternary operator.

The second condition here is score > 70. After the second question mark, we have the true expression which is "Average". After the second colon, we now have another false expression, which is "Do better".

With this, if the first condition is true, "Excellent" is returned to scoreRating. If the first condition is false, then we have another condition check. If this second condition is true, "Average" is returned to the variable. If this second condition is also false, then we have the final false expression, "Do better", which will be assigned to the variable.

Multiple Ternary Operators Can Make Your Code Unreadable

In the previous examples, we've seen how we can improve our code while maintaining readability. But you have to be careful when using multiple ternary operators.

Imagine we had an extra ternary operator in our previous example:

const score = 45

const scoreRating =
  score > 70
    ? "Excellent"
    : score > 50
    ? "Average"
    : score > 40
    ? "Fair"
    : "Do better"

// "Fair"

Here we have three ternary operators, and you can see that things are becoming harder to read.

In cases like this where you need multiple conditions, using an if or switch statement, though requiring longer lines of code, makes you write more readable code.

Wrapping Up

The ternary operator allows you to evaluate conditional expressions and can substitute for if statements in some cases. It allows you to write shorter and cleaner code (even on one line).

In this article, I've shown you how it works, using some if examples and the ternary operator version. I also emphasized that you should be careful when using nested ternary operators as that can then make your code unreadable.

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JavaScript Ternary Operator - Explained with Examples
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