Technology is changing at a fanatic pace. Several new tools and methodologies have come into the business world over the years, but only some of these last for a longer time. The JavaScript programming language is one of those that has successfully established its roots across all of the industry verticals.

Statista says 67.7% of developers love JavaScript, and the prime reason is its versatility. The JavaScript language has the ability to develop desktop and mobile applications on both the client-side and the server-side.

However, when it comes to choosing the best framework among the wide range, JavaScript developers usually get confused.

After all, there are several frameworks to pick from JavaScript, but Angular, Vue.js, and React.js are among the most preferred ones.

However, choosing among these three is a difficult task, and to eliminate this dilemma, this article will help you. We’ll compare various aspects of Angular versus React, Angular versus Vue, and React versus Vue to determine a suitable JavaScript framework for your future projects.

Let’s get a brief understanding of their history before we dive deep into the comparison of these three popular frameworks.

#vuejs #angular #javascript #programming #react

Angular vs. React vs. Vue
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