Google Summer of Code is an initiative by Google to promote open source among student developers, where students pair with a mentor and work with an open source organization for three months.

This year marks the 16th year of Google Summer of Code, and the first year of the Dart organization taking part in GSoC. Many students might be thinking, that’s great, but where is Flutter?

The good news is, the projects listed include both Flutter and Dart projects. (And to be clear, all Flutter projects are written in the Dart language, but not all Dart projects use the Flutter framework.) Check out all of the project ideas on the Dart wiki.

This post showcases the final project, which demonstrates 3 different kinds of platform channels, and was written during the 3-month coding period, as well as an example of a federated plugin.

#mobile-development #software-development #flutter #programming #gsoc

Platform Channel examples
1.55 GEEK