I’m happy to announce that today we are releasing version 1.0.0 of the official Rust driver for MongoDB. This release marks the driver as generally available and ready for production usage. It supports MongoDB server versions 3.6 and later. In this blog post, I’ll cover:

  • What’s changed in the driver since the initial alpha release
  • How to get started with the driver.
  • How you can get involved with the project

Where to find the driver

The Journey to 1.0

We released the first alpha of the official MongoDB Rust Driver back in December 2019, and our first beta of the driver came out a little over a month ago. The key feature of the GA release is the stabilization of the driver’s API. This includes the async and sync database APIs in the driver itself as well as the BSON API that the driver re-exports from the Rust bson library. Going forward, updating to new releases of the driver will require no code changes to user applications.

In addition, this release marks a transition from the Rust driver team’s focus on the core architecture to achieving feature parity with the rest of the MongoDB driver ecosystem. Moving forward, we’ll be working on exciting new features such as multi-document ACID transactions support and retryable writes.

Async support

After the Rust language stabilized async/await back in November, async usage in the Rust community skyrocketed. Therefore, our first priority after the initial alpha release was compatibility with the growing async Rust ecosystem. We spent six months designing and reimplementing the driver from the ground up to be fully async, and we released the first async version of the driver with our 0.10.0 beta in early May. Our GA release contains out-of-the-box support for the two most popular async runtimes in the Rust ecosystem, tokio and async-std. In addition, we provide a sync wrapper of the driver that abstracts all async details of the inner API for developers who are not writing async applications.


Announcing our Rust Driver: Version 1.0
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