Last week we kicked off GitHub InFocus, a global virtual series just for software teams. We discussed the importance of developer experience and innersource—and how key collaboration really is. Next up: DevOps. We checked in with virtual hosts Jennie, Marko, and Daniel for a quick Q&A on what to expect, from CI/CD to DevSecOps.

This week of InFocus is a little different than the last. While ‘developer experience’ is a newer concept, we’ve known about and been doing DevOps for over a decade. So what’s something new folks can expect to learn this week?

Jennie: While the term DevOps has been around for a while, it’s still convoluted to many. What I’m excited about for this week is that we’ve brought in so many DevOps experts across GitHub to share the lessons, strategies, and best practices we learned from working with our customers. The four sessions this week will cover not only the DevOps fundamentals, but also motivations for change, trends in the industry, and how to get started on a transformational journey.

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Your guide to DevOps automation and CI/CD at GitHub InFocus
1.15 GEEK