Random-Large-Data: Generate Random Big Data with JavaScript

Why random-large-data?

Because this is a super light weight package that will get you the necessary random large data you need for your current and future projects. With 0 dependencies, I promise you this is as fast and easy as it can get. ⚑️


Using npm:

$ npm i random-large-data

In Node.js

// Load the package
var rld = require('random-large-data');

Requests πŸ‘€

If you have any requests please feel free to create a New issue and I will get to it in no time!

Contribution πŸ™Œ

I'd be more than happy for any contribution to this package! Simply make your changes in a new branch and create a Pull Request

Currently Available Methods (more coming soon!) πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

// Returns a random whole number from 0 < num
randomNumber(num = 100)
> randomNumber(10)
> 5

// Returns an array of the given arrSize based on the min and max number
arrayNumGenerator(min = 0, max = 1, arrSize = 10)
> arrayNumGenerator(0, 100, 5)
> [ 29, 0, 52, 0, 96, 0 ]

// Returns an array of the given arrSize and the strSize
arrayStrGenerator(arrSize = 10, strSize = 5)
> arrayStrGenerator(5, 5)
> [ 'njplr', 'hkkbt', 'zfdup', 'fvnbp', 'khztm' ]

Report all bugs πŸ› here:



  • Update to TypeScript [Done]
  • Add other data types
  • Support different use cases/categories (Personal data, Business data)
  • Add random chat data
  • Add username and password generators
  • Add common dialog and language

Download Details:

Author: jenesh
Source Code: https://github.com/jenesh/random-large-data 

#javascript #data #npm #types 

Random-Large-Data: Generate Random Big Data with JavaScript
1.05 GEEK