In this post, we’ll continue our journey in displaying the content of a zipped dotnet project in a Blazor WebAssembly application and then learn how to modify its content using a rich text editor.

Now that we have loaded our zipped project file, we need a way to store the content of the zip file in the application state so that we can navigate and view the different .cs files.

To achieve this, we’ll be using a “unidirectional data flow” architecture based on the Flux/Redux architecture. We’ll be going over how this presentation design pattern works at a high level as it’s not the objective of this post. We’ll explore this topic in a future article.

Here is the architecture diagram for the Flux/Redux architecture.

Balzor and the Flux/Redux architecture

Here is the final Flux/Redux architecture diagram for our application.

Final Flux/Redux architecture diagram for our application


Build A Blazor WebAssembly Application Using A Rich Text Editor
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