This is a mini course for beginners in Bash. If you are a beginner in Bash and have difficulty understanding the Bash terminal then this video could be the most important video you watch.

Bash is a Unix shell and command language written by Brian Fox for the GNU Project as a free software replacement for the Bourne shell. First released in 1989, it has been used widely as the default shell for most Linux distributions.

This video is a crash course to help new users get started with Bash. Here is a list of the commands we’ll cover:


  • 02:02 - ls
  • 03:50 - clear
  • 04:50 - cd
  • 05:38 - pwd
  • 06:14 - echo
  • 06:42 - touch
  • 07:11 - mv
  • 07:55 - nano
  • 10:01 - cp
  • 11:51 - mkdir
  • 14:45 - rmdir
  • 15:53 - chmod (file permissions)
  • 29:09 - grep
  • 31:04 - man
  • 33:20 - locate
  • 36:35 - less
  • 38:53 - compgen
  • 40:57 - Greater than sign
  • 43:14 - cat
  • 47:34 - Head
  • 49:59 - Tail
  • 51:16 - exit
  • 52:00 - History
  • 53:06 - ps
  • 54:32 - sleep
  • 56:10 - --help
  • 57:00 - whatis
  • 57:57 - softlinks and hardlinks
  • 1:00:47 - create a bash script

#bash #linux #developer

Bash Terminal for Beginners | Linux Command Line Tutorial for Beginners
1.95 GEEK