It’s been a month since we released ReSharper C++ 2021.1, and we’re already working on some cool stuff for the next version. If you haven’t had a chance to check out the new features in 2021.1, please visit the What’s New page for the details about language features, new inspections, and code style settings we introduced.

Before discussing our plans for the future release, we’d like to thank our Early Access Program users who helped us make ReSharper C++ better by sharing their feature suggestions and issues they encountered. As usual, the most active contributors have received a free 1-year license. We love hearing from you, and each submitted issue is very much appreciated!

Now, let’s take a closer look at our roadmap for ReSharper C++ 2021.2. Please note that this is a preliminary plan, and we can’t guarantee that all the listed improvements will be included in the final build. You can always contact us if there is something missing that you consider a must-have for ReSharper C++, and we’ll do our best to fit it into our plans!

Here’s what we plan to work on during the 2021.2 release cycle:

  • Modern C++. In addition to polishing the support for the C++17 and C++20 standards, we will continue to create new modernizing inspections to highlight the perfect places to use the latest language features and help you update your code with ease.
  • **Creating Unreal Engine classes. **To improve the workflow for creating new classes, we’ll introduce Unreal Engine file templates so you can add a new class without switching to Unreal Editor. You can already try out this feature in the early preview of our Rider for Unreal Engine IDE.
  • **Embedded links to ** Need any details about standard library members? We’ll add the corresponding link right to the quick-doc tooltip so you can get all the required information in one click.
  • Clang-Tidy integration. We’ll update the built-in Clang-Tidy binary to include the latest code checks from LLVM 12. We’re also working on updating ReSharper C++ to import the list of enabled checks from the .clang-tidy configuration files in your project, which should be helpful if you also use Clang-Tidy as a standalone tool.
  • Type conversion hints. We’re working on a new type of hints – for implicit type conversions. Such conversions can be hard to spot and they can also have surprising performance consequences, so we want to help you see where they happen in your code.
  • Inline function refactoring. We plan to add more tools to help you refactor your code with ease – the Inline function refactoring will allow you to replace usages of a function with its body and optionally remove the original declaration.

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What’s Next: ReSharper C++ 2021.2 Roadmap
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