Learn how to use webpack to bundle JavaScript, images, fonts, and styles for the web and set up a development server.

In the early days of the Web, websites consisted primarily of HTML and CSS. If any JavaScript loaded into a page at all, it was usually in the form of small snippets that provided effects and interactivity. As a result, JavaScript programs were often written entirely in one file and loaded into a script tag. A developer could break the JavaScript up into multiple files, but all variables and functions would still be added to the global scope.

But as websites have evolved with the advent of frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue, and with companies creating advanced web applications instead of desktop applications, JavaScript now plays a major role in the browser. As a result, there is a much greater need to use third-party code for common tasks, to break up code into modular files, and to avoid polluting the global namespace.

The ECMAScript 2015 specification introduced modules to the JavaScript language, which allowed for the use of import and export statements. In this tutorial, you will learn what a JavaScript module is and how to use import and export to organize your code.

Modular Programming

Before the concept of modules appeared in JavaScript, when a developer wanted to organize their code into segments, they would create multiple files and link to them as separate scripts. To demonstrate this, create an example index.html file and two JavaScript files, functions.js and script.js.

The index.html file will display the sum, difference, product, and quotient of two numbers, and link to the two JavaScript files in script tags. Open index.html in a text editor and add the following code:

[label index.html]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />

    <title>JavaScript Modules</title>

    <h2><strong id="x"></strong> and <strong id="y"></strong></h2>

    <p id="addition"></p>

    <p id="subtraction"></p>

    <p id="multiplication"></p>

    <p id="division"></p>

    <script src="functions.js"></script>
    <script src="script.js"></script>

This HTML will display the value of variables x and y in an h2 header, and the value of operations on those variables in the following p elements. The id attributes of the elements are set for DOM manipulation, which will happen in the script.js file; this file will also set the values of x and y. For more information on HTML, check out our How To Build a Website with HTML series.

The functions.js file will contain the mathematical functions that will be used in the second script. Open the functions.js file and add the following:


function sum(x, y) {
  return x + y

function difference(x, y) {
  return x - y

function product(x, y) {
  return x * y

function quotient(x, y) {
  return x / y

Finally, the script.js file will determine the values of x and y, apply the functions to them, and display the result:


const x = 10
const y = 5

document.getElementById('x').textContent = x
document.getElementById('y').textContent = y

document.getElementById('addition').textContent = sum(x, y)
document.getElementById('subtraction').textContent = difference(x, y)
document.getElementById('multiplication').textContent = product(x, y)
document.getElementById('division').textContent = quotient(x, y)

After setting up these files and saving them, you can open index.html in a browser to display your website with all the results:

Rendered HTML with the values 10 and 5 and the results of the functions.js operations.

For websites with a few small scripts, this is an effective way to divide the code. However, there are some issues associated with this approach, including:

  • Polluting the global namespace: All the variables you created in your scripts—sum, difference, etc.—now exist on the window object. If you attempted to use another variable called sum in another file, it would become difficult to know which value would be used at any point in the scripts, since they would all be using the same window.sum variable. The only way a variable could be private was by putting it within a function scope. There could even be a conflict between an id in the DOM named x and var x.
  • Dependency management: Scripts would have to be loaded in order from top to bottom to ensure the correct variables were available. Saving the scripts as different files gives the illusion of separation, but it is essentially the same as having a single inline <script> in the browser page.

Before ES6 added native modules to the JavaScript language, the community attempted to come up with several solutions. The first solutions were written in vanilla JavaScript, such as writing all code in objects or immediately invoked function expressions (IIFEs) and placing them on a single object in the global namespace. This was an improvement on the multiple script approach, but still had the same problems of putting at least one object in the global namespace, and did not make the problem of consistently sharing code between third parties any easier.

After that, a few module solutions emerged: CommonJS, a synchronous approach that was implemented in Node.js, Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD), which was an asynchronous approach, and Universal Module Definition (UMD), which was intended to be a universal approach that supported both previous styles.

The advent of these solutions made it easier for developers to share and reuse code in the form of packages, modules that can be distributed and shared, such as the ones found on npm. However, since there were many solutions and none were native to JavaScript, tools like Babel, Webpack, or Browserify had to be implemented to use modules in browsers.

Due to the many problems with the multiple file approach and the complexity of the solutions proposed, developers were interested in bringing the modular programming approach to the JavaScript language. Because of this, ECMAScript 2015 supports the use of JavaScript modules.

A module is a bundle of code that acts as an interface to provide functionality for other modules to use, as well as being able to rely on the functionality of other modules. A module exports to provide code and imports to use other code. Modules are useful because they allow developers to reuse code, they provide a stable, consistent interface that many developers can use, and they do not pollute the global namespace.

Modules (sometimes referred to as ECMAScript modules or ES Modules) are now available natively in JavaScript, and in the rest of this tutorial you will explore how to use and implement them in your code.

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Understanding Modules, Import and Export in JavaScript
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