Detailed walkthrough of the steps I took to solve Insights from Data with BigQuery: Challenge Lab Skill Badge on Google Cloud Platform

This medium article focusses on the detailed walkthrough of the steps I took to solve the challenge lab of the Insights from Data with BigQuery Skill Badge on the Google Cloud Platform (Qwiklabs). I got access to this lab in the Google Cloud Ready Facilitator Program. Thanks to Google!

Till now, I have completed over 100 labs and 23 quests on Qwiklabs. Below is the reference of my profile.

Prateek S. | Qwiklabs

Qwiklabs provides real cloud environments that help developers and IT professionals learn cloud platforms and software…

This lab is only recommended for students who have completed the labs in the Insights from Data with BigQuery Quest. Knowledge ofSQL** and **BigQuery is also needed to solve this challenge lab. Are you up for the challenge? Let’s go!

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Image by 200 Degrees on Pixabey

Dataset Used

The dataset that we would be using in this challenge lab is **bigquery-public-data.covid19_open_data.covid19_open_data. **This dataset contains data related to covid-19 on a country basis globally. We would be using this in this skill badge tutorial.

BigQuery Tutorial can be found on the reference below:

Tutorials | BigQuery | Google Cloud

Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and…

Challenge Scenario

There are 10 small tasks in this challenge lab, all of which should be completed to score 100/100. In order to pass the lab, there are** 9 SQL commands and 1 Data Studio** report that should be generated in order to score 100. This tutorial list out the steps I took to solve all the ten challenges within the lab. The ten tasks are as follows:

  1. Building a SQL query that outputs the total no. of confirmed cases.
  2. Building a SQL query that outputs the worst affected areas.
  3. Building a SQL query that identifies the Hotspots in USA.
  4. Building a SQL query that outputs the Fatality Ratio.
  5. Building a SQL query that identifies a **specific day **according to the constraints.
  6. Building a SQL query that outputs the number of days with zero net new cases.
  7. Building a SQL query that outputs the Doubling Rate.
  8. Building a SQL query that outputs the Recovery Rate.
  9. Building a SQL query that outputs the CDGR — Cumulative Daily Growth Rate.
  10. Creating a Datastudio report.

#sql #qwiklabs #google-cloud-platform #data-science #bigquery #cloud

Insights From Data With BigQuery: Challenge Lab Tutorial
55.15 GEEK